Introducing the Tahitian Noni Juice, the Natures Solution to Total Wellness

The Noni Juice has been tested and proven in promoting General Wellness. Effective In Reversing High Blood Pressure, Diabetes, Arthritis, Fibroid, Infertility and other diseases caused by free radicals.

20 years plus of working wonders ans still working wonders.

Created using a unique blend of fruits….

A University Student Reveals The Unique Ingredients That Helped Her 70 Year Old Dad Lower High Blood Pressure. (This Is Also Helping A Lot Of People)

Finally: A Powerful Solution To Reversing And Treating Hypertension, Prostrate Cancer, Diabetes And Others. Read To The End.

I couldn’t believe it. Who knew that the solution to my Dad’s condition was in a green bottle. I’m still amazed.

A very sad news indeed....

4 years earlier, I had lost my Mom to a very serious case of Hypertension because, we treated it like a trivial issue. She was 55 at the time. We all thought it was stress from her job, till she slumped and never woke up again. My Dad never stopped blaming himself. He took responsibility for everything that happened to her. Now my Dad is about to suffer the same faith.

It felt more like a vicious cycle..

This was 3 years later, my Dad had gotten married again as his kinsmen advised. He got married to our maid/nanny who has been with us for over 20 years. This happened 2 years after my Mum had passed on. She practically babysitted my younger brother and I. It took a lot of convincing before my Dad decided to get married again. He was reluctant, my brother and I convinced him to hid the advice of his kinsmen, but on the condition that it must be the maid. Better her than a stranger. That was the only condition my would agree to getting married again. She is already family.

Then is started, We began to notice the same symptoms in my Dad, everything my Mum experienced before she passed on. It was like reliving the same situation over again. I become scared, I was about to lose my Dad to the same ilness that took my Mom. On the 8th of September 2021, my Dad slumped as he was preparing to go to work. My Stepmom and I had to involve my Aunt (My Dad’s Younger Sister). It was obvious we needed to take him to the doctor.

The Doctor's diagnosis..

After running some test, he was diagnosed High Blood Pressure. My Dad was lucky to be alive. It’s a good to thing we brought him to the hospital but, it wasn’t early enough. At this stage his chances of a full recovery is 50%. I expected your Dad to begin regular check up after your Mom passed on. That should have been a wake up call. We would have detected his condition earlier and try to prevent it from getting to this stage. Those were the Doctor’s words.

My Dad’s Blood Pressure was 204/120mmhg. The doctor said what happened to my Dad was called a Mini Stroke, in medical terms, it is called transient ischemic attack (TIA). A brief blockage of the blood vessels, not allowing blood to flow to the brain, spinal cord and some vital parts of the body. If not well managed the next time my Dad will suffer a full blown stroke or even heart attack.

We lived in fear, we became extra careful about my Dad’s diet just as the Doctor instructed.

  • Less salt and seasoning in his food.
  • more of vegetables.
  • No red meat.
  • more of fish, boiled to be precise.

None of this improved my Dad’s health. The Doctor never said they would, he only said doing this things will reduce the risk of him getting worse.

I was scared, I was in my first year in the university, the last thing I needed was lack of concentration. Even the presence of my Stepmom didn’t help. In a few weeks I will be resuming for the 2nd semester all I could think of was, I could lose my Dad to the same illness that took my Mom.

It was time to start searching for solutions..

I never really bothered to ask the Doctor cause of High Blood Pressure, I didn’t think it would be helpful, all I wanted was a solution that could help my Dad recover fully.

I decided to search for permanent solutions for High Blood Pressure but, all I could get were the same things the Doctor told us.

Even some of my course mates recommended the traditional drink called agbo but that didn’t work either. I was later warned that it could cause more harm like damaging his kidneys.

My younger brother being the smart one in the family gave me an idea. He told me that I am seeking solutions to a illness that I don’t even know the root cause of. For me to get a lasting solution, I need to know the root cause of the problem. It didn’t make any sense at the time because I felt it was a waste of time researching the cause of the problem when I should be looking for solutions but, I decided to take his advice anyway.

I began my research for the caused of High Blood Pressure (Hypertension)

A very helpful discovery.

During my research, I made very interesting discoveries, this helped changed my perspective and the kind of solutions I should be looking for.

I’m sure my Doctor would have told me these things if I had asked, but I was glad I made these discoveries myself.

When the Doctor told us to keep salt and seasoning including alcohol away from my Dad’s intake, my thoughts were these were the things causing High Blood Pressure, but  it isn’t the casre at all.

High Blood Pressure is caused by what is called Impaired Vasoconstriction

Vasoconstriction is when the blood vessels carrying blood, oxygen and nutrients to the body become tiny or blocked preventing blood and necessary nutrients from getting to the brain, eyes and other vital organs of the body.

Vasoconstriction happens regularly in the body which is helpful like during cold weather or conditions, the blood vessels constrict to generate heat and help the body cope in such conditions. It is also needed to help control blood flow in the body.

Impaired Vasoconstriction is when the blood vessels constrict longer than normal which then results to High Blood Pressure (Hypertension). 

The Blood vessels can be blocked by toxins we take in everyday from car exhaust fumes, via the air we breathe in water and even foods we consume that are made with preservatives and contents that are harzadous to our health.

All these particles block the blood vessels, leaving little and some times no space at all for blood to flow.

Take a look at the diagram below

The one on the left is a clear opened vessel with normal blood flow, while the one one the right is clogged, leaving little space for blood flow.

The blood vessel on the right causes the heart to work more than it should to pump blood and that causes a rise in the blood pressure.

The body naturally tries to cleanse the blood vessels and improve elasticity. At a younger age this would have bee easy because the organs are active.

As we get to 40 and above the body begins to lose energy to carry out this task due to depreciation of nutrients. When the blockage and constriction goes on for to long, then it leads to full blown Hypertension.

The problem is, these things are not easily detected in the body, only when you go for medical check up regularly.

My Dad wasn’t getting any better, I found out the drugs prescribed were only treating the symptoms and not the actual problem. The exercises recommended by the Doctor was only giving him temporary relief. His Blood Pressure always goes back up after his last workout.

At this point, I knew the kind of solution I should be looking for. I knew from then that, what my Dad needed was something that will boost his immune system and keep his blood vessels clean.

But where do I find such solutions.

Eureka...the green bottle

My research for a solution continued to prove futile. All I could get were drugs that are similar to the ones prescribed by the Doctor. I even asked my coursemates whose parents were Doctors, but none could give me any reasonable response or solutions. I was becoming frustrated, it felt like a wild goose chase. I began to think such solutions don’t exist, if they do Doctors would know about it. 

Thoughts began to run through my head, I wasn’t ready to lose my Dad, but reality was starting to stare me on the face. I could remember calling my Stepmom and crying my eyes out one particular night. I am Daddy’s little princess, but this little princess was watching her hero suffer, waiting for the worst to happen.

3 months later, I had given up the search for a solution. I had accepted that the Doctors recommendations and instructions are the best we have. All we can do is manage his condition, till this faithful day.

I got an invite from a coursemate about a seminar. She gave me a flyer, it was health seminar and it highlighted the different topics that will be discussed, Amongst those that were listed are Diabetes, Hypertension, Arthritis, Fibroids and more.

The seminar was to be held at Ikeja on Saturday. I was interested at first. She convinced me to attend, and I agreed to go, if not for anything, I needed leave my room or die of boredom.

It was the day of the seminar. An hour had past since it started. It was now time to talk about Hypertension. The person who spoke on the topic had mentioned everything I had discovered during my research, this sparked my curiosity.I was waiting to hear if she would profer a solution but, nothing of sort. That was one time I had thought that this seminar wasn’t a waste of time till the speaker ended it without saying anything I didn’t know before.

It was time for the last speaker, I had made up my mind to leave, but I heard the speaker say, all these diseases talked about today have remedies. Did I just hear him right? You needed to see the way I rushed back to my seat.

Let’s cut to the chase…

At this point, I started blessing the day I made up my mind to attend the seminar. What seemed to be a boring talk about some diseases became insightful. 

That moment changed everything. 

It presented me the opportunity to learn more about the solution that changed my Dad’s life.

I learnt that the body needs up to 275 nutrients to stay healthy. As we grow older, our bodies produce less and less of these nutrients. Infact, the levels of these nutrients begin to drop between the ages of 30 – 40 years, 40 years mostly.

One of those nutrients is called Nitric Oxide, a combination of Nitrogen and Oxygen.

Good number of studies as proven that Nitric Oxide helps soften the blood vessels to support good cardiovascular health.

It supports a strong immune system, especially important during the cold season.

Nitric Oxide promotes good sexual health, plays a role in healthy erectile functions.

When your circulation is working well, every part of the body functions properly.

Now the big question is how do we get these nutrients? 

The Truth is, we can’t go consuming Nitric Oxide from any source, instead the body producesd a substance called precursor – a nutrient needed to produce organin Nitric Oxide, but as we get older this nutrient becomes deficient in our system. But there is a remedy to that, that same solution helped my Dad and reversed his High Blood Pressure

Noni Fruit Drink...the green bottle

It was all in a green bottle, a fruit drink that changed everything, within  3 – 4 weeks my Dad’s High Blood Pressure readings began to drop after taking this fruit drink. We were introduced to this drink in the seminar, I had my doubts, how could a fruit drink be this potent? My Dad was also reluctant, we all had the same thoughts, but it came with a 100% money back guarantee so we had nothing to lose.

The ingredients in this bottle will equip you with all the 275 nutrients your body needs. It has been proven to reverse other type of diseases.

Watch these reviews..

These are real testimonies of how this drink has transformed many lives. Click on the button below if you are interested in this drink. A trial will definitely convince you.

Here's what to expect when you start taking the Noni Juice

Finally, you can start to prevent all these diseases and if you are already suffering from them, you can successfully reverse them, revitalize your body and boost your immune system.

The Effect of this drink is not only limited to High Blood Pressure (Hypertension) and Diabetes alone, it has also proven to be effective in solution to other ailments  such as Arthritis, Cancer, Hepatitis, Low Sperm Count/Infertitliy general fatigue and tiredness, body ache not to mention a few.

While medications have proven to be less effective, some very effective but not without serious side effects

Noni Juice Drink does the job without any risk.

Just 30ml Twice Daily & Watch How it Transforms Your Body

Now… you can live you best life without worries about any diseases or infections, because Noni Juice keeps you healthy,

60ml a day gives the body 30mg of iridoids which will inturn supply the body with 275 nutrients including vitamins, minerals and antioxidants to give you a healthier body, more energy and improved immune system.

high blood pressure, diabetes, arthritis, fibroid, infertility, dead cells, fatigue and physical exertion are a thing of the past.

When It come To Staying Healthy, Nothing Compares To Noni Juice





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Here's what to expect when you start taking the Noni Juice

We are aware of the fact that there are other products out there.

However, many of these products do not completely give the solution they claim.

Noni Juice is first of its kind, formulated from the rarest blend of fruits, clinically researched ingredients.

We offer the best guarantee on the market when many others don’t even offer any guarantee at all.

We are super confident that Noni Juice works.

That’s why every order comes with a lifetime guarantee.

Noni juice is derived from the fruit of the Morinda citrifolia tree indigenous to Southeast Asia and Australasia. 

The Noni Juice is formulated to be taken daily, For best results, 30ml twice daily is the recommended dosage. 1 in the morning and one in the evening.

This gives you the required nutrients including vitamins, minerals and antioxidants for healthier body and improved immune system.

It all depends on the ailment or condition you are treating.

However, ideally it should be 90days or 3months.

Many of our customers have have experienced the best and fastest results with the package that consist of 2 Packs (8 Bottles).

However, we considered affordability, that is why our package is structured to help our customers choose which they can afford.

If you have the below listed conditions, the Noni Juice is for you.

◉ High Blood Pressure (Hypertension)
◉ Diabetes
◉ Arthritis
◉ Fibroid
◉ Kidney Dysfunction
◉ Postrate Cancer
◉ Hepatitis
◉ Infertility/Low Sperm Count
◉ Fatigue/tiredness

Generally, any ailments caused by chronic stress and break down of you body metabolism.

No you don’t. It doesn’t contain steroids or any type of enhancement drug.
Ordinarily, You won’t need other medication with Noni Juice.

However, we advise that you consult you Doctor if you wish to take it with other medication.

Every order of Noni Juice comes with a LIFETIME money back guarantee. That means if you are not 100% satisfied with your results, then we will return your investment, every single penny, and won’t hold it against you.

We highly doubt it’ll come to that because over decades have been spent perfecting Noni Juice using natural ingredients that have proven beneficial to the human cells and general body metabolism.